Georgina Glynn, Federation Secretary
The Board of Trustees is elected bi-annually and additional members can be co-opted by the elected Committee members. The Board meets on the third Wednesday of the month and it is responsible for the overall running of the Federation and ensures that its activities are within the objects of the WI and covers all its aims and interests. It makes Policy decisions and develops plans for the Federation. The aim of the Board of Trustees is to support and help WIs with planning and promotional ideas and events.
Your Federation Needs You!
We always need new members for your Federation Board of Trustees. We currently have nine trustees, only just above the bare minimum we are allowed under our Constitution. If you or any member of your WI is interested in becoming a Federation Trustee, please contact us, and arrange to come along to a Board meeting as an observer.
We meet monthly, usually in a hybrid meeting with some members at the Federation office in West Drayton, and others attending remotely. For more information, please email
Our Trustees
Our WI Advisors
We are a small team of six WI Advisers on the Membership Committee. We are trained to help and advise all the Women’s Institutes in the Middlesex Federation. That involves visiting their Annual meetings and Group meetings which enables us to get to know the members, help resolve any problems and support WI Committees to run effectively for the benefit of their members.
We would welcome any prospective WI Advisers to our monthly Membership Committee meetings to observe and see if they would like to join us. If you would like to know more about becoming a WI Adviser, contact Liz Morrell, Membership Chair.