Hello everyone
I hope that you are all well and have enjoyed the Bank Holidays.
I don’t know what we will do this month without any!
Several WIs have been sharing their events and photos from the Coronation celebrations; it was great seeing all of the banners and flags everywhere and it looks like many people had a great time with picnics and street parties.
Whatever you did, I hope you had a wonderful time.
My own WI is a member of Spelthorne Group and we recently held our Spring Group Meeting.
As usual, a good time was had by all and a highlight of the evening was the fantastic entertainment by Lindsay Barrell and her team, from WIs in Essex Federation. What an inspirational lady! She gave an amusing and uplifting talk on how she found friendship through the WI and how she was inspired to use her performance art to raise funds for charity.
If you get the chance to see her show, do go—it is great! As one of our members said, it made her feel happy—and that can’t be bad! Turn to page 5 for a report.
However, our meeting did remind me that there are very few of our WIs organising full Group Meetings.
I wonder why that is? It is great to get together with local WIs, even if it’s just for a party in the park! I know that several WIs meet up informally, so why not take the next step and arrange a ‘real’ group meeting?
If it’s anything like our last one, you will have a great time.
Turn to page 4 or see our website for a list of all our groups: time to get in touch and organise to meet up?
By the time you are reading this, we will have had our Annual Meeting in Cardiff. More about that in the next edition… But turn to page 3 for some images from the meeting (and the trip there)!
Have a good month.