Who, and where, are the ladies who used to play walking netball at Spelthorne Leisure Centre?
As we begin to see light at the end of the tunnel, I’ve discovered that I, as a host, have lost touch with participants that used to attend Spelthorne Leisure Centre, Staines, on Wednesdays, between 12.00 and 1.00, before lockdown last year. I was unable to attend the very last session, because of a Board of Trustees meeting, so handed the register over to our coach, Amanda. Unfortunately, I have been unable to contact her, and remember few of the names of the participants. We were a great group of ladies, I enjoyed the activities and fellowship, and hope we would like to continue, once restrictions are lifted.
Is there a member, or members, willing to take on leading walking netball sessions?
I have never been much good at netball, but that didn’t matter, as the participation is all about friendship and exercise. I’ve been on various host courses, and an umpire’s course, hoping to get the hang of the game. Unfortunately, I’ve not improved, and since lockdown have developed back and leg problems, making exercise difficult. However, once the restrictions are lifted, I will resume exercising, and hope to build up stamina! I have all the equipment stored in my garden shed, and also manuals for ‘warm up’ and ‘skills practice’ activities. Once I am certain of when we can get back together to play netball, I will contact the Leisure centre to check that we still have our Wednesday slot. Amanda, who was employed by the Leisure Centre, had indicated that she would continue to coach us. That could have all changed, because of lockdown, but I hope that things will go back to the way they were.
In the meantime, anyone interested in trying it for themselves, there are zoom sessions to which everyone is invited, or a recording for you to watch of a session, on MyWI, under ‘Make, Create and Do’, then ‘Sport and Wellbeing’.
Please, contact Alison Fremantle at scienceandleisure@mfwi.org.uk if you are one of the ‘Spelthorne group’ or if you could help at the sessions.
Thank you.