Members rose to the challenge of presenting a zoom pantomime (Oh no they didn’t, Oh yes they did!) which was greatly enjoyed, for our monthly meeting. The following month we enjoyed a nostalgic journey through the music of the early 1960s, proving that we do still remember all the words.
Between the meetings, the friendship of the WI continues to be paramount. Zoom coffee mornings and book club, as well as the amazing newsletters, are helping provide some essential social contact, as are phone calls. The craft group has gone from strength to strength and is not only making cards for birthdays and events but is now making Easter cards as many members are wanting to reach out to family and friends with a card as we cannot yet greet them for real. Some have got involved making scrubs. Those without internet are being included as they are getting postal or hand delivery of news (which usually involves a safely distanced doorstep chat).
We are waiting with bated breath, firstly for our vaccine, and then for chances to begin meeting for walks and in gardens, but until then we’re grateful for our WI friends to help us through.