Hello everyone and from me, a sad farewell. This is my last Chair’s Chat before I stand down at the March 2022 Annual Council Meeting following a four-year term of office.
The past year has been a disappointing time as we have not been able to take you through a planned celebratory milestone of our centenary year due to one restriction or another.
I wish all the very best to whoever is appointed your new Chair. The decision will be made after the ACM on the 9th of March, by the Board of Trustees (without me present) as per the constitution, so I cannot let you know who that will be.
I had no intention or aspiration for the role of Chair and my first year was a very steep learning curve as can happen when starting a new job, and there was a lot on the ‘to do’ list, so I hit the road running. To be honest, I had no idea how I was going to fit everything in, given my existing commitments, and was surprised at my nomination. I need not have worried as I had a very supportive team in both Sarah Endersby as Treasurer and Jules Hall as Vice-Chair.
I cannot thank them enough for helping us to move MFWI into the 21st century, making us more eco along the way, and a lot more efficient across the Federation and within WIs. Digitally, there are very few WIs which do not use their officer emails and SharePoint now. For those still floundering, it is beneficial and is a great help, especially as new officers are voted in.
I have not been flavour of the month at times and I have had to wear many hats along the way as covid and other circumstances within MFWI dictated, Federation Secretary being one of them. This made for some very long hours, but if you care about what you do, none of that matters. It is also about doing what is best overall.
I am looking forward to getting back to a lifestyle which is my ‘normal’ and to get back to more crafting. Thank you to all for making the past four years memorable in more ways than one.
Take care, keep well and see you at some point in the future.
Lorraine x