Hello all,
I hope you are well.
Can I first of all thank everyone who has sent their best wishes to me following my appointment as Chair. Your kind thoughts mean a lot and I am sure will inspire me going forward.
By the time this reaches you, Easter will have come and gone, and do I hope you had a pleasant time. Did you do anything to mark the occasion? Maybe an Easter Coffee morning, or an Easter Bonnet competition? Do let us know—and send some photos!
You will remember that in the last issue I suggested a Federation-wide Tea Party to celebrate our Centenary—and anything else, really! Well, I am pleased to say that a few WIs are already planning something. Please let us know if you are too – and if we can do anything to help.
I know some of us are still anxious about meeting up, so please don’t do anything you are uncomfortable with. Hopefully, as the weather improves, we will all start to feel a bit more confident, especially outdoors.
Have you seen the mailing from NFWI Wales regarding their 2022 Not in my Name competition? The competition is to ‘Design and Make a Scarf’ depicting the Not in my Name campaign to end violence against women. Full details can be found on My WI.
As you probably know, the National Annual Meeting is being held on 11th June, in Liverpool. I am really looking forward to attending—especially after missing out for the last two years—and I am looking forward to meeting some of you there.
Finally, the National Federation raffle tickets for this year are now on sale through your Secretaries. Tickets cost £1 and the first prize is £10,000. Good luck!