So, here we are, almost at the end of another year. As years go, this was far better than the previous year for many of us, and we can only hope that the next year will be even better than this one as we are all learning to live and work in a slightly different way. We have learnt to keep others safe, as well as ourselves, and with that has come much friendship and community awareness—every cloud has a silver lining.
It has been a pleasure to meet many of you throughout this year whilst attending meetings via Zoom and recently those face to face. However, I have also had to cancel others for which I am truly sorry, even though events were out of my control, it is a great source of disappointment for me.
We would like to enhance the existing skills within the Federation by asking once again for people to join us. There are many and varied voluntary roles such as being a Trustee, a local Digital Friend, a Press Officer, an Adviser and Digital Team Lead to name a few. Have a think and ask yourself what you can bring to the table, I am sure there are many of you that would be a great asset to the Federation and as we know, many hands make light work.
There will also be an opportunity for you, as members, to nominate someone to the 2022 MFWI Board of Trustees. Your WI secretary will be sent details in due course.
On 12 January, MFWI will be running a Zoom session to run through the Resolution for 2022. We would love for you to join us at 19:00 for a very informal discussion covering all the resolutions. See below for details, and page 8, for a summary of the proposals. You can read more on the NFWI website and in WI Life.
Thanks to all for supporting the WI in whichever way you can and for raising awareness within your communities of all things that matter. As part of the WI, women’s voices are heard, and we achieve great things individually and collectively. Continue to be Bold & Inspiring, help us to Grow & continue to be Relevant, be Inclusive and Flexible in 2022 to become better than we already are!
From the Board of Trustees, Advisers and Representatives of MFWI, we wish you all a Happy Festive Season.
Enjoy, stay safe and keep well.
Lorraine x
2022 Resolutions discussion
Wednesday 12 January 2022, 19.00
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 875 3335 7363
Passcode: 727462