Well, here we are fast-tracking through 2022 already. It’s February and the daffodils are out; my snowdrops have been out since December, and I am struggling to keep up with climate change bringing the shift in seasons, not knowing when to sow seeds or prune various bushes in the garden. It is that time of year where the sun is playing havoc showing up the state of my windows and reminds me that a full spring clean is imminent if I get the time between WI activities. Hmm, it’ll be a choice between crafting or housework—I think I know which will get the most of my attention!
It is resolution voting time, and I don’t know about others, but I did my share of demonstrating and banner waving before I got to the stage where I cannot walk the distances, can’t hold a banner for long etc, as the body tells me not to (and yes I did burn my bra too—saved lots of money over the years!).
There are some who believe campaigning on resolutions is just linked to those activities: it is not; that is just a small part of it. As we know there are many members who do not wish to (or can’t) show their support in that way. It does not mean you can’t do anything—you can raise awareness at a local level with smaller, less physical actions.
What are you all doing for the Show The Love campaign? We would love to see all your green hearts: it is a great way of bringing awareness to people, especially in February. Many are used to seeing red hearts, but green hearts create a good conversation starter. The same goes for the Canary Activism (you will have seen the links to this in my monthly mailing) of simple yellow canaries—all create awareness of climate change.
Keeping on the thread of campaigns (resolutions), why not look at Nikky Cussen’s knickers on page 8. It is another action relating to a campaign that is very easy to use to raise awareness with locally. All of these things just take a little time at very little cost, and certainly easy to do as a fun group activity at your meetings and in the wider community.
Of course, everything I write is irrelevant if members do not read, it so if you got as far as this, thank you! It would be appreciated if you could encourage your fellow members to not just read this newsletter but also to submit articles on behalf of your WI. The newsletter is spread far and wide and is another way of advertising yourselves, so why not use it?
Lorraine x