Welcome to the dawning of 2022. I do hope you have all had an enjoyable and restful festive break. At the time of writing, I have no idea what the future holds regarding Covid restrictions, but hope that anything that is required is only done out of necessity and it does not impact anyone too much.
There is a lot to think about in the first quarter of 2022: Subscriptions, Resolutions, Federation Board Nominations (see pages 4-5) and our Annual Council Meeting on 9 March 2022, all of which your WI Secretary will have information on. Not to forget a lot of programme planning still needed or finalised by your WIs: a committee’s work is never done, as we know. Please do support and help your Officers & Committee members to make your WI what you want it to be for the coming year.
Someone recently asked me why I do what I do…. The simple answer is because I can. I do what I can, when I can, for the benefit of others and I voice my opinion (which I know at times is unwanted!). I could sit back and let the world happen but then I would achieve nothing—it’s the same for you as members: be part of it, even if only giving your opinion as it all matters.
Let’s continue with 2022 being an inclusive, supportive and happy time for members across the Federation from the ground up. Have fun whatever you do.
I raise my glass to you all as myself and the Board of Trustees wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year.