Fabulous reporting coming from members…
It’s encouraging that we are finally getting back to face-to-face meetings with venues opening. Those whose venues are not opening are meeting up for picnics and walks outside. Now there are fewer restrictions, friendships are being rekindled as some have not had the opportunity like many of us to meet up on Zoom.
August is historically a month off for some WIs (going back to when factories and workplaces closed for the month), but I know there are many WIs who meet every month of the year as the members like to do so.
Nothing stops in Federation, so behind the scenes we have been beavering away, as are many WIs with accounts, general admin, programming and a host of other things that we and your committees do every year, all year round. For me, I continue to spin plates between WI and personal life (as do many others so I know I am no different; we all have our challenges) and have been able to be a little busier on the Public Affairs front.
I don’t know how many of you take part in our Public Affairs calls to action… I fear not too many as reading any of the emails, newsletter and NFWI missives does not seem to be high on many members lists. I have been creating canaries (patterns via this link https://craftivist-collective.com/blog/2021/06/canarycraftivists/ ) to send to my MP to highlight the climate change issues (For those who do not get the connection: canaries/gas/coalmines/greenhouse gases).
COP26 is being held in November and we (the UK) are hosting and need to lead by example as press releases promising all sorts does not cut it—it’s only words, and as we all know from history, it is Deeds Not Words that count, as noted by history and one of my banners from a couple of years ago.
MyWI also has many resources for public affairs issues amongst other things. You may not to want to login lots but occasionally it is worthwhile to know what is going on: https://www.thewi.org.uk.
With another of my hats on, I had my first craft trip to Stanwell WI with a beginners Silk Painting session and am looking forward to sharing more crafting for beginners with other WIs in the weeks and months to come.
The annual Cow Byre Craft Exhibition in Ruislip is in full flow as I write, so more on that next time.
Enjoy getting back together, look after yourselves, keep safe and with one step at a time we can resume some sort of normality.
Lorraine x