Harlington WI had its third meeting in its new temporary venue, and everyone is getting familiar and comfortable with it now.
The Reverend Mike Talbot came to the meeting to introduce himself, as our normal venue is next door to the Church. He will be leading the prayers on our event on Armistice Day in Harlington.
We have been busy making a poppy-themed knitted and crocheted wreath and a postbox topper is nearly finished for the village post box.
An excellent talk was given by Ali Wade from London Air Ambulance service. It was a fascinating insight into the range of work and volume of cases the service deals with every day. We all felt very grateful that we live in London and have access to this service should we have misfortune to need it. Imagine getting across the M25 in 11.5 minutes: they have done it in nine minutes, weather dependent.
We enjoyed our raffle, quiz and delightful refreshments.