Sixteen members met for (hopefully) the last time in the Bandstand suitably decorated with colourful pompoms (and Penny Shervill matching with her Pom Pom sun hat!) Wendy Capehorn’s beautifully knitted Hayes Town WI bunting.
After Jerusalem and WI business , I passed some Quality Street around, but not to be eaten yet, rather each colour wrapper represented a subject members had to talk about from my list: travel, sport, and so on.
The funniest one came from Jo Johnson who announced she was a Happy Hooker to shrieks of laughter: her subject had been hobbies & her passion is… crocheting!
As it will be her and Marion Batchelor’s birthdays next week ,we stopped for yummy cakes and of course sang Happy Birthday.
Everyone is looking forward to meeting up again on 19th August in our community centre.