Stroud Green has been tentatively holding meetings in-person, since June, our first in-person meeting since the first Covid lockdown. We met in Finsbury Park for a foraging session on a cold mid-summer’s evening, and it was great to see and be with each other.
In August we had a socially distanced outdoor ‘social’ and had a great evening in a beautiful church garden.
September saw us holding our first in-person meeting indoors in our new venue at Mind In Haringey, which focussed on climate change. It was Great Big Green Week and with COP26, the UN Climate Change Conference, just around the corner, the meeting focused on climate change and our part in addressing it. And in October we held a hybrid AGM with a great talk on Secrets, Sex, Scandal and Salacious Gossip of the Royal Court with most members in person and some joining in on zoom. Both of these held with Covid precautions in place.